Friday, February 10, 2012

Untitled Poem #3

This sweet, sad sound fills the air. I know where it comes from, but  do not move.
The violin I hear is from a player who has gone through troubles, but lets it play in his music.

This man could be a star, but only plays for himself. Only he can feel the sorrow in his music.
This sound is sad, and only he knows where it comes from.
He knows the memories it took to compose this kind of work.

The hurt, the pain, the loneliness, he knows where it came from, and what kind of notes it takes to release.
The sound is of happiness, but then sadness, as though he has lost someone, and won’t let anyone else in.

He is a loner, and only lets one stray cat follow him.
He wants to be like this cat, and be free. To have no restrains, this man can only hope.

He has one love, but she barely notices.
She is torn between two loves. A king, and a stray cat. He feels that he could provide so much more, but she doesn’t see it.
She is confused and conflicted, and can’t divide loves.
He holds a key, only for her lock.

He keeps a promise, a promise that keeps him bound.
He wants to leave, to break free, but the consequences are just too great.
He would only gladly jump and leave, if only he could.

He plays this sad, sweet tune, because it’s the only thing that  he can do to let go of his sorrows.
He plays and plays, in the moonlight, so no one can hear him, but I do. I know his story, and  I  follow along, because he is like me, and I like him.

Two stray cats, to never love, hope, or dream. Only to wish, never to succeed.
To watch the sunrise, and wish that that day will be the day, the day he breaks free.

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