Thursday, October 27, 2011

In the Hunger Games, a lot has happened. First Katniss has been stung by tracker jackers .Those stings hurt.  She was hallucinating for two days. Also, Cato has greatly injured Peeta. When she finally wakes up,  she makes and alliance with Rue, the tribute from district Eleven. This proves to be pretty handy, since she can help with Katniss' stings. Katniss can also help with Rue's burns.  Katniss then devises a plan to get rid of the Career's supplies. Their supplies are booby trapped with bombs. Katniss then decides to cut open a burlap bag of apples. The explosion is deafening. She loses hearing in her left ear which damages her severely, because she wouldn't be able to detect tributes coming from that direction. She walks back to where she and Rue decided to meet up. When Rue doesn't show up Katniss goes to look for her. She finds her in a mesh net, with a spear in her stomach, then dies. Katniss kills the tribute who killed Rue, this is her first kill. After a few days, the announcer for the games tells the tributes that two tributes from the same district can win.

This is crazy. I understand why Katniss would make an alliance with Rue, she useful. I also think it was a bad idea because she reminds her of Prim. This is bad because they could have gotten too attached to each other and then had to kill each other. It proved good in the end. At least Katniss didn't have to kill Rue. I was so happy when Katniss destroyed the Career's supplies because now everyone has an equal opportunity to win. I'm also worried about how Peeta is doing, I hope he doesn't die I'd be heartbroken. When Katniss heard that two tributes could win, she wants to win with Peeta, which makes sense, because its better than having to kill him. I wonder whats going to happen in Part Three. Hmmm....

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Hunger Games Response

Currently reading the Hunger Games, all I can say is, this book is crazy. So many wild things happen. You have romance and danger and suspense. I kind of have some responses to these things.

Its a sick and sadistic Game. Things have to happen or the Capitol makes it happen. You can never be boring. You can look as cocky as you want, but that might just get you killed. Sure you can put on an act, but you have to be careful about it. Getting things from sponsors all depends on how good and likable you are. The Hunger Games themselves aren't about beauty. They're about survival. You have to be strategic about these Games.

As bad as it is to kill people, you have to remember, killing them insures your survival. Either you kill, or get killed. Katniss is being strategic about the way she goes around the Arena. She tries to avoid killing people, unless she has to. She's spent almost her entire life in the woods, so she knows how to get around. She can  hunt, find game, and get whatever else she needs. When you think about it, Katniss is almost a sure to win. If only she could avoid the killing . The Hunger Game sare pretty intense.

I feel mad and sad and happy at the same time. I'm  mad because the Career's are using Peeta to get to Katniss. Sad because I know one of them will have to die. Happy because they're both survivng in the Games. Theses are my responses to the Hunger games.

Friday, October 14, 2011

To Change Or Not To Change

If you went to a place where everyone got plastic surgery, would you, even if you stretch your face so much, you're grotesque?

My answer is no. In my own opinion, God made you the way you are. You're never ugly in his eyes, you're beautiful. No matter what, you have to keep getting it done again and again, because it dissapates.

People in our society want to look at pretty things, not ugly. Some people will get it done so much, it gross. People will go to such extremes for beauty. It's not worth it. You're beautiful just the way you are.
My perfect world would be a world without pain or suffering. You wouldn't have to drive down the street and see someone in rags, homeless. No one would have to file for unemployment, because we would  have enough jobs for everyone to feed their families. When someone went to the bank, they wouldn't have to take money from their savings account, because their account was in the green, not red. More doctors and nurses would be available because more people would be able to afford college, therefore costs would go down on certain things.

In a perfect world no one would be made fun of because of the way they dress or talk or the strange things they do.  When someone wanted to express religion, they wouldn't get shot down by people who are against it. We wouldn't have massacres because no one would hate on one another and decide that the best thing to do is to kill everyone who thinks differently from them.

In a perfect world, no one would die in  a war. Our  military wouldn't have to risk their lives everyday, just because one bad person did the wrong thing. We wouldn't have famine, drought or World Wars, because everyone would get along and help everyone like family.

The sad conclusion is, we don't live in a perfect world. There will always be hate and war and disasters. The only thing that we can do is hope. Hope that eventually, we can and will turn into a perfect world.