Friday, October 14, 2011

My perfect world would be a world without pain or suffering. You wouldn't have to drive down the street and see someone in rags, homeless. No one would have to file for unemployment, because we would  have enough jobs for everyone to feed their families. When someone went to the bank, they wouldn't have to take money from their savings account, because their account was in the green, not red. More doctors and nurses would be available because more people would be able to afford college, therefore costs would go down on certain things.

In a perfect world no one would be made fun of because of the way they dress or talk or the strange things they do.  When someone wanted to express religion, they wouldn't get shot down by people who are against it. We wouldn't have massacres because no one would hate on one another and decide that the best thing to do is to kill everyone who thinks differently from them.

In a perfect world, no one would die in  a war. Our  military wouldn't have to risk their lives everyday, just because one bad person did the wrong thing. We wouldn't have famine, drought or World Wars, because everyone would get along and help everyone like family.

The sad conclusion is, we don't live in a perfect world. There will always be hate and war and disasters. The only thing that we can do is hope. Hope that eventually, we can and will turn into a perfect world.

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